miércoles, septiembre 07, 2005

Snapshots of Limbo

Black Guy- What do you mean you got fired?
White Guy- I mean: I got fired...
BG- I know you got fired, that dont explain why you're here
WG- I lost my job..
BG- I kno the definition of "getting fired", dawg.. what I meant is that I still dont see how losing your job could get you killed
WG- you mean you dont see your job as the source of life
BG- meh, i know a bunch of jobless good-for-nada crackheads that are alive and kicking.. they dont do shit .. them good for nothings aint even criminals..
WG- would you call being a crackhead "being alive" (im not even arguing with the kicking part.. or even convulsing for that matter)?
BG- ever do drugs?
WG- once
BG- then lay off the crackheads, crackhead..
WG- smoking pot dont make me a crackhead, bro
BG- just as saying "dont" instead of "doesnt" dont make you a nigga so dont "bro" me
WG- i no longer have that aspiration in life..
BG- which means you once had the aspiration to be a nigga
WG- i never wanted to be a nigga.. what i meant is i dont have a life any more therefore no aspirations are needed now
BG- ya think?
WG- we're pretty much.. dead, you know?
BG- I kno.. how did you die, bro??
WG- I got fired..

9 comentarios:

FlaKa dijo...

jojo y sigue siguiendo!!

Boo dijo...

homms! homms! yo yo!

dabito dijo...


Luthien dijo...

Y lo de Sandra??????????

Unknown dijo...

es un intermedio jajaja

Anónimo dijo...

cha ,por que en ingles ?deja voy por mi diccionario atraducir palabra por palabra jojojo!

Boo dijo...

este blog es un espacio en el que se promueve la cultura, si la cultura, aunque sea la gringa... jajaja

dabito dijo...

quien dijo que era gringa? no creo que haya nacionalidad en el limbo.. y eeuu no es el unico país donde se habla el ingles o hay habitantes negritos

dabito dijo...

Además lo de sandra no me gustó como iba y quise hacer otra cosa